Back to Basics: One Authority

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

As Christians, we readily give lip-service to the authority of the Scriptures, but often we fail to live like we believe the Scriptures are authoritative. This begs the question, “Are they authoritative, or are they not?” The clear testimony of the Bible is that because they are the very words of God, they are absolute in their authority, and must be obeyed and conformed to.

How Much Faith?

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 9:14-29

In a moving account just after returning from the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus, Peter, James, and John return to Caesarea Philippi to a great commotion around the remaining 9 disciples. Evidently, after failing to cast the demon out of a man’s son, the scribes capitalized on the opportunity to make a mockery of Jesus’ authority during His absence. Upon seeing Jesus though, the father falls to his knees begging Jesus to cast the demon out of his son. While he only had a little faith, it was sufficient for Jesus to demonstrate His compassion.

Add. Ref.: Mark 6:7-13

Back to Basics: How We Got the Bible

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

In this message, Pastor Matt Tarr explains how we received the canon of the Bible. How do we know there aren’t “lost” books that belong in the canon, or how do we know that books that are known shouldn’t be included? Before answering this though, the question must first be answered, “Is the Bible even necessary?” If it isn’t, then there is no need for divine superintendence over its purity and preservation. But if it is necessary, then it would be rational to conclude that the same God who gave it, would also protect it.

Who is This Elijah?

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 9:9-13

In the glory of the Transfiguration, Peter, James, and John are both terrified and awestruck, but they interpreted their experience wrongly. They thought this was the moment that Jesus would bring His Kingdom. After all, He was here and now in His Kingdom splendor and being in the moment, they didn’t know it wasn’t permanent. Their response proved that while they had a really good Christology, they had a terrible eschatology.

Add. Ref.: John 11:23-24

Back to Basics: How to Study the Bible

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

If God inspired His revelation, and the very nature of the term “revelation” indicates that something is intended to be known and understood, then that means that God’s Word is written in such a way that is intended to be known and understood. Furthermore, because God is the author, then the meaning of the text must be derived from God’s intent, not man’s. How should these principles govern our method of interpreting the Bible? This special seminar explains a biblical philosophy of studying the Scripture.

Sermon Resources: PowerPoint Slides

The Son of God in Glory

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 9:2-8

In a miracle unlike the disciples had ever seen, Jesus fulfills His promise made in 9:1. Peter, James, and John see Jesus lift the veil of His humanity so that they might see Him in His kingdom glory and power. He is the Divine Christ, and as such, His words must be obeyed and followed. The disciples must abandon their own ideologies and sinful denial of the necessity of His death, and recognize their need for a Savior.

Add. Ref.: Philippians 2:6

Back to Basics: The Self-Authentication of the Scriptures (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

God’s Word bears witness to its own truthfulness, and just one of many ways it does that is by the fulfillment of prophecies that are so precise and specific, there can be no explanation other than the Divine superintendence of the inspired Word of God. God’s proven testimony therefore reveals the reason why men reject the truth, just as the Scriptures say. It is not a matter of evidence, but the sin of unbelief.


Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 8:38-9:1

In Mark 8:38-9:1, Jesus concludes His counsel to His disciples with a stern warning: whoever is ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of in the day of His return. That is not a sorrowful shame as though He wishes we could have been more faithful. It is an eternal shame that results in His rejection. That is a Divine guarantee, and Jesus makes a prophecy that will be shortly fulfilled as proof.

Add. Ref.: Jeremiah 6:6-15; 2 Thess. 1:3-12

Back to Basics: The Self Authentication of the Scriptures (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

It is important to understand that we cannot speak of the authenticity of the Scriptures in “probable” terms, no matter the degree of probability. Because the Bible speaks of itself in the absolute, proof of the Bible’s truthfulness must also be in the absolute? Is that possible? Can we absolutely prove the Bible? Or can we only probably prove the Bible? In this message, Pastor Matt Tarr explains the absolute trustworthiness of the Bible by its own self authentication.

The Cost of Following Christ (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 8:34-38

Christ has called all who wish to follow Him to abandon their lives and their living for His sake. That isn’t possible in today’s gospel of “self-esteem” and “self-love.” A life of sacrifice for the King cannot come from a heart that thinks too highly of itself, since that heart will think itself too valuable to give itself up. It will be  a heart committed to self-preservation. Sadly, it is a high view of self that is propagated today to the destruction of souls and the church.

Add. Ref.: Mark 10:17-31; Psalm 141:5