Living Out of Sound Doctrine

HPBC Elder: David Gaugler – An exposition of Titus 2

– Christians know the importance of sound doctrine, especially after reading Paul’s instruction on the matter in the Pastoral Epistles. But sound doctrine is for more than just teaching, it’s for living. Our children’s ministry leader and deacon, Dave Gaugler, provides and expositional sermon on Titus 2 which emphasizes how sound doctrine should affect how we live our lives, and why maintaining a standard of testimony is important for the church.

Grace in Salvation

Dr. David Lackey – An exposition of Titus 2:11-14

– The Lord has bestowed upon us a great deal of grace in our salvation, and it’s this very grace that emboldens, strengthens, and motivates us to live a godly Christian life. It’s through the grace offered in salvation that we stand up in defense and proclamation of our Faith, and it’s by reflecting on and living out of this grace that we produce spiritual fruit.