To Live is Christ

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of Philippians 1:12-26 (incl. supplemental passages)

– Using an example of Paul in his writings to Philippi while he was in prison, Pastor Joe Schloegel demonstrates the mindset that Christians should have in their lives, what they should live for, what their goals should be, how they should rejoice whenever the Truth is proclaimed, and how they should handle trials when they come.

It’s About God

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of various passages

– In a sermon which exposits passages from numerous books in both the Old and New Testaments, Pastor Joe Schloegel presents an overview of the story present in all 66 books of the Bible and reiterates something every Christian should understand: It’s all about God.

Rights vs. Responsibility

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of 1 Corinthians 8, 9, & 10

– As we grow in our faith, we come to understand that there are some practices that are amoral (that is, they are not actually sinful), and are therefore not a threat to our sanctification. However, for some who are not as strong in their faith, these practices may become a stumbling block to them because they don’t know better. In an exposition of 1 Corinthians 9-10, we examine whether these amoral issues should be readily practiced because it’s our right, or if we should be willing to give up those rights out of love for a weaker brother.

Living the Life

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of Romans 12:14-18 (incl. supplemental passages)

– When we become Christians, the Bible tells us that we can expect to see a radical change in our life as we begin to bear good fruit for God. As for an example of what this change looks like, we are required to look to the Scriptures. The 12th Chapter of Romans gives us a look at the marks of Christianity in our lives.

The Needs of the Saints

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of Romans 12:13 (incl. supplemental passages)

– Expositing the book of Romans brings us to a verse that is often times taken out of context and misapplied. However, there is a very important principle to be found within the context of this passage when the verse is properly applied. Said principle has to do with how we care for our brethren in need.

The True Church

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of Romans 12:9-12 (incl. supplemental passages)

– When a person puts their faith in Jesus Christ and becomes a Christian, they also become a member of God’s church and a part of the Lord’s family. An examination of Romans 12 and related passages shows us the ramifications of this new identity, and highlights our responsibilities as members of the Body.

Our Gifts and Our Responsibility

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of Romans 12:6-8 (incl. supplemental passages)

– With a proper knowledge and perspective of the grace gifts God gives us for use in service to Him and to each other, we must understand that with these gifts comes a responsibility not just that we use them, but that we use them properly. A deeper study of Romans 12 and supplemental passages informs us in the proper usage of these gifts.

For the Common Good

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, & 14 (incl. supplemental passages)

– In this sermon, Professor Joe Schloegel provides an expositional explanation and background of the differences between grace gifts and spiritual gifts within the church. We are given a Biblical perspective on the implementation and use of both types of gifts, and come to an understanding of what the ultimate purpose of these God-granted gifts is.

Grace Gifts

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of Romans 12:3-8 (incl. supplemental passages)

– Each of the members of the church’s body has a function that is unique to them. In that spirit, God has bestowed grace gifts upon every believer to use in service to Him and to each other. But what are grace gifts, how are they identified, and what are their practical applications? A closer look at Romans 12 and a study of correlating passages yields encouraging instruction.

A Living Sacrifice

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of Romans 12:1-8 (incl. supplemental passages)

– When God commands us through Paul’s writings in Romans to present ourselves as a “living sacrifice”, what is He really asking of us? Is this merely a command to dedicate our lives to Him, or is it something far deeper? The answer affects the entire way of life for the true Christian.