Here is Authority, Be Astonished

Pastor Matt Tarr

– Scripture: Mark 1:21-28

– True authority is commanded, not demanded. Christ the Lord had the greatest authority ever witnesses by man, far surpassing that of the wise authoritative scribes and carrying such weight that even evil spirits are submissive to it. This is the authority our Savior possesses, and it has far reaching ramifications for both the unregenerate world and the regenerate Christian.

– Add. Ref.: Ephesians 5:22-24; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Titus 2:1, 15; Mark 3:11, 22-27, 5:6-9, 11:27-33

His Irresistible Call

Pastor Matt Tarr

– Scripture: Mark 1:16-20

– When Jesus called His disciples, it was not a request or a suggestion or a plea. It was a command to follow Him. In the same way, Christ authoritatively calls us to us to follow Him at our salvation. But this is no small thing, as truly committing to following Jesus will cost us greatly in this present life. And yet, following Him is an imperative, and it is something which the Christian does with zeal. His call is irresistible.

– Add. Ref.: Mark 12:1-8; Luke 5:1-8, 9:57-62, 19:1-27

The Gospel Proclaimed

Pastor Matt Tarr

– Scripture: Mark 1:14-15

– Jesus’s first recorded words in the Gospel of Mark are a proclamation of the Gospel. This is the true gospel, and not one which much of American Evangelicalism readily identifies with, for it is a gospel of repentance of sin and surrender to the Lordship of Christ through faith that comes only by God’s immeasurable grace. Furthermore, it is a gospel for which Christ Himself, and indeed all who profess it, will suffer for. But it is the only gospel that gives life.

– Add. Ref.: Mark 1:35-38; 2 Tim. 4:2-4; Acts 2:38, 3:19, 8:22, 11:18, 17:30, 20:21, 26:20

A Trinitarian Testimony

Pastor Matt Tarr

– Scripture: Mark 1:9-13

– During Christ’s baptism there comes one of the strongest testimonies for Christ’s deity, and it comes directly from the Trinity. Christ also demonstrates His divine nature during His time of temptation in the wilderness, where He proves Himself as God through His obedience, despite weaknesses present in His humanity.

– Add. Ref.: Hebrews 4:15

The One has Come

Pastor Matt Tarr

– Scripture: Mark 1:9-11

– The first time Christ appears in Mark’s Gospel, it is for the occasion of His baptism. In the course of this event, two major Christian doctrines are highlighted through an exposition of the Text: The Doctrine of Imputation and the Doctrine of the Incarnation.

– Add. Ref.: Romans 10; Matthew 3:13-15

The One is Coming

Pastor Matt Tarr

– Scripture: Mark 1:2-8

– Every King has a herald who goes on ahead of them to announce the King’s pending arrival. Christ also had His own herald in the person of John the Baptizer, who Jesus called the greatest man born of a woman. Yet Christ also says the one who is least in the Lord’s Kingdom is greater than John, and it’s in this context that we find the true measure of greatness.

– Add. Ref.: Genesis 11:1-4; Matthew 11:11

The Gospel of the Son of God

Pastor Matt Tarr – An exposition of Mark 1:1

– Opening up the Bible to Mark’s Gospel (an oft overlooked Gospel), we arrive at the statement that this is “The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark 1:1).” In this brief verse can be found a great deal of Truth as we are forced to ask the question: What is the Gospel?