God’s Gospel Foolishness (Part 3)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture:  1 Corinthians 1:21-29

The church in Corinth was failing as a church, but it wasn’t because they had errant theology or the wrong gospel. Rather, their theology and gospel proclamation was simplistic, and their philosophy of ministry was entertainment driven. However, Paul explains God’s design for the proclamation of His gospel.

A Trial that Proved Guilt (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 14:53-65

Jesus infuriated the Jewish leaders because He would not adhere to their extra-biblical traditions, but during Jesus’ trial, the Sanhedrin are no longer interested in their tradition. In order to convict an innocent man, they violate at least 14 of their own rules for jurisprudence.

God’s Gospel Foolishness (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:18-20

The church in Corinth was failing as a church, but it wasn’t because they had errant theology or the wrong gospel. Rather, their theology and gospel proclamation was simplistic, and their philosophy of ministry was entertainment driven. However, Paul explains God’s design for the proclamation of His gospel.

A Trial that Proved Guilt (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 14:53-65

Jesus infuriated the Jewish leaders because He would not adhere to their extra-biblical traditions, but during Jesus’ trial, the Sanhedrin are no longer interested in their tradition. In order to convict an innocent man, they violate at least 14 of their own rules for jurisprudence.

How to Arrest God

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 14:43-52

On the night of Jesus’ arrest, He spends His final moments in prayer, but as soon as He concludes, He is scandalously arrested. Every element of His arrest demonstrates His sovereignty, and that He is the innocent Son of Man.

God’s Gospel Foolishness (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:18

While the church in Corinth may not have compromised on the actual content of their gospel message, they exchanged God’s design to bring the lost to salvation by the foolishness of the message preached, with a man-centered approach that was acceptable and entertaining to the Greeks.

To Bear the Weight of Sin

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 14:32-42

When Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane, He was fully aware of the vents to unfold that night. But we can never fully comprehend what He experienced when He looked into the cup of God’s wrath to be poured out against Him for incurring our sin.

Conflict and Division

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

Every which way we turn, there seems to be conflict. Factions and dissentions over petty disagreements poison relationships and destroy the flock of God. The church in Corinth was no different, and Paul gives careful instruction on the importance of Christian unity.