Back to Basics: In Christ Alone (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

In a recent article by Christianity Today, “diversity” is now understood to be the distinguishing characteristic of Evangelicalism. Historically though, the term was used as a synonym for the Protestant Reformers. How did a term that once articulated a precise message of salvation in Christ alone become so ecumenical? And what’s more, is that the real message of the Gospel?

Back to Basics: Christ Alone (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

American Christianity has long ago compromised on the exclusivity of the Gospel message, opting instead for the same ecumenicalism of the Roman Catholic Church. Christ is no longer believed to be the way, the truth, and the life. This kind of “wide-mercy” view of salvation is not the way of Scripture, but for Roman Catholicism, their ecumenicalism presents another problem: they have canonized infallibly that salvation cannot be granted to anyone unless they submit to the pope. Their position today contradicts that, presenting their system with some major problems.

Back to Basics: Sola Gratia (Part 3)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

If salvation is in any way dependent on man, then it would stand to reason that eternal security also depends on him. In fact, it’s for that very reason that Roman Catholics and Arminians reject the perseverance of the saints. However, Scripture clearly teaches that salvation itself is wholly a grace gift of God, and so is the believer’s perseverance to the end.

Back to Basics: Sola Gratia (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

What better reason do we have to be thankful than in the reality that man is saved by God’s grace alone? After all, it’s because of the complete nature of Christ’s cross-work that we can be confident that His grace is sufficient for salvation. However, the Roman Catholic Mass makes a gross mockery of God’s grace, and find out why the true Christian can never participate in the event.

Back to Basics: Sola Gratia (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

In the words of the great preacher, Charles Spurgeon, “If anything is hated bitterly, it is the out-and-out gospel of the grace of God… [But] if you remove grace out of the gospel, the gospel is gone. If the people do not like the doctrine of grace, give them all the more of it.” This is most definitely true. The gospel itself demands salvation by grace through faith alone. And if you understand the nature of man, you’ll understand why. It is because of our totally depraved condition, that grace is a Divine necessity.

Back to Basics: Justification (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

The great question before all humanity is this, “How can sinful men be justified before a holy God?” Roman Catholicism adamantly maintain that justification by faith alone was a protestant convention found nowhere in Scripture. Is that true? Furthermore, what do we make of James 2:14-26 which seems to confirm justification by faith plus works? The answer is quite simple, but the text, just as with the rest of all Scripture, must be understood in context.

Back to Basics: Justification (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

Justification is the method by which we are forgiven and reconciled to a holy God. It is a result of the Holy Spirit’s work which gives us a new heart for worship. Although not made righteous, through Justification we are declared righteous. This is a foundational Christian doctrine, and one which every Christian should understand.

Back to Basics: Inspired Means…

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

What does it mean when we say that the Scriptures are “inspired”? A study of the history of the canon of Scripture including what qualifies a book of the Bible as inspired and what doesn’t gives us insight into how we know for sure that the Bible truly is God’s Word.

Back to Basics: Sola Scriptura and the Inspired Word

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

When the Reformation occurred, one of the fundamental issues surrounding the Protestant movement was the battle between Scripture and church tradition. The Reformers had a battle cry during this time: “Sola Scriptura” (Scripture Alone). And so, when considering the fundamental tenants and beliefs of the Christian faith, we start at the most crucial doctrine: The inspired, authoritative Word of God.