Seekers or Suppressors? (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 14

While many would believe that men are basically good in their hearts, the opening verses of this psalm presents God as one who searches throughout the whole earth to find just one man who would seek Him. But what God sees instead is that every man is a practical atheist, living as though He didn’t exist. None seek Him, all are useless, and therefore all stand under His judgment.

The Tribulation (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 13:14-23

Jesus describes the age of the church as one marked by turmoil, insecurity, and persecution, and yet none of those things means the end has come. So what exactly will it look like when the time of Christ’s return is near?

Add. Ref.: Daniel 9:27; 2 Thess. 2:1-12; Romans 8:28-39

[No Sermon]

PM Sermon

There was no Evening Worship Service on the Sunday of November 20th, 2016 due to the time being instead dedicated to our annual Prayer, Praise, and Pie event. Therefore, there is no PM Sermon for that date. Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

The Tribulation (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 13:14-23

Jesus describes the age of the church as one marked by turmoil, insecurity, and persecution, and yet none of those things means the end has come. So what exactly will it look like when the time of Christ’s return is near?

Seekers or Suppressors? (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 14

While many would believe that men are basically good in their hearts, the opening verses of this psalm presents God, searching throughout the whole earth to find just one many who would seek him. But what God sees is that every man is a practical atheist, living as though He didn’t exist. And because they have all rejected Him as sovereign, none seek Him and all are useless.

Stand Firm (Part 3)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 13:1-13

Jesus’ disciples are ecstatic, confident that He will be establishing the millennial kingdom at any moment. But before that can come, Jesus tells of an extended period of destruction, turmoil, and suffering that will need to occur in the age of the church before the time of the end comes.

Add. Ref.: Luke 21:12-19; Acts 4:1-31

TMU Truth Matters Summit

PM Sermon

In advance of the 2016 United States Presidential Election, the time normally dedicated to our Evening Worship Service on the Sunday of November 6th, 2016 was instead dedicated to a replayed screening of the Truth Matters Summit hosted by The Master’s University. Therefore, there is no PM Sermon for that date. However, if you would like to see the Summit for yourself, you can watch the full video of the event at the following link:

The Master’s Seminary Truth Matters Summit

Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

Stand Firm (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 13:1-13

Jesus’ disciples are ecstatic, confident that He will be establishing the millennial kingdom at any moment. But before that can come, Jesus tells of an extended period of destruction, turmoil, and suffering that will need to occur in the age of the church before the time of the end comes.

Add. Ref: 2 Peter 3:1-18

Praise to the Great King

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 47

With a smorgasbord of philosophies of music in churches today, how can we know which is the right one? By reminding us of just who God is, in His majesty and personhood, Psalm 47 offers important instruction telling us just what kind of praise He is worthy of.

Stand Firm (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 13:1-13

Jesus’ disciples are ecstatic, confident that He will be establishing the millennial kingdom at any moment. But before that can come, Jesus tells of an extended period of destruction, turmoil, and suffering that will need to occur in the age of the church before the time of the end comes.

Add. Ref.: Acts 1:28