A Madman’s Deliverance (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 34

In the midst of one of the most dramatic and hopeless circumstances of David’s life, he realizes the foolishness of attempting to take to his life into his own hands. And even though his circumstances haven’t changed, he offers instruction to the wicked to praise the LORD for His providence.

Religion in Wrong Places

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 12:38-44

In this account, Jesus explains the wrath to be poured out against the religious leaders of Israel for their gross hypocrisy and manipulation of their religion to extort the poor and weak, illustrated by a poor widow who sacrificed greatly – giving all she had to an apostate system.

Add. Ref.: James 1:27

A Madman’s Deliverance (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 34

In the midst of one of the most dramatic and hopeless circumstances of David’s life, he realizes the foolishness of attempting to take to his life into his own hands. And even though his circumstances haven’t changed, he offers instruction to the wicked to praise the LORD for His providence.

[Sermon Unavailable]

Due to a malfunction with our recording equipment, the audio from Sunday morning’s worship service failed to record. Unfortunately, this means that the October 16th, 2016 sermon cannot be posted on the SermonCast.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We hope to have the issue resolved by next week’s worship service. Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

A Call and a Warning to Worship

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 95

In this Psalm, David offers instruction on joy-filled singing in corporate worship. But David’s song also has a stern warning to hardened hearts.

Add. Ref.: Psalm 92; Deuteronomy 32:1-3; Hebrews 3:7-19

One Rule to Rule Them All (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 12:28-34

In this final question brought to Jesus by a scribe, He answers a long debated question among the rabbis. “Which commandment is the greatest commandment?” Surprisingly, when Jesus gives His answer, even his interrogator has to agree.

Leadership Seminar

PM Sermon

On October 2nd, 2016, HPBC Elder Paul Davies hosted a seminar on the subject of biblical leadership. Since this was not a traditional “sermon” and was more so an instructional format including questions and answers, the audio for the 10/2/16 Evening Service will not be posted on the SermonCast. However, the audio will be made available to anyone upon request.

Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

A Mighty Fortress

Pastor Darren Wiebe – AM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 46

When we are faced with trials, no matter how trivial, we must remember that the Lord is a solid rock and a place of refuge for those who turn to Him. Knowing then, that God will not allow us to be moved, what do we have to fear?

Evangelism Seminar (Part 2)

PM Sermon

On September 25th, 2016, HPBC Elder Greg Lynch hosted a seminar on the subject of evangelism. Since this was not a traditional “sermon” and was more so an instructional format including questions and answers, the audio for the 9/25/16 Evening Service will not be posted on the SermonCast. However, the audio will be made available to anyone upon request.

Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

One Rule to Rule Them All (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 12:28-34

In this final question brought to Jesus by a scribe, He answers a long debated question among the rabbis. ‘Which commandment is the greatest commandment?’ Surprisingly, when Jesus gives His answer, even his interrogator has to agree.