Evangelism Seminar (Part 1)

PM Sermon

On September 18th, 2016, HPBC Elder Greg Lynch hosted a seminar on the subject of evangelism. Since this was not a traditional “sermon” and was more so an instructional format including questions and answers, the audio for the 9/18/16 Evening Service will not be posted on the SermonCast. However, the audio will be made available to anyone upon request.

Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

The Centrality of the Preached Word

Jim Zieger – AM Sermon

Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-12

The preaching of the Word of God is the ultimate form of worship in the Church, and therefore it should be the center point of every ministry. From reading the book of Nehemiah, we can apply five qualities of preaching the Word that is desperately needed in churches today, where the vitality of preaching is often overlooked.

Hermenutics Seminar

PM Sermon

On September 11th, 2016, Pastor Matt Tarr hosted a seminar on the subject of hermenutics and how to study the Bible. Since this was not a traditional “sermon” and was more so an instructional format including questions and answers, the audio for the 9/11/16 Evening Service will not be posted on the SermonCast. However, the audio will be made available to anyone upon request.

Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

Ask a Bad Question…

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 12:18-27

The Sadducees are a small sect of the elite priestly class in Judaism, and masterfully confront Jesus with a question that will determinatively undo Him… that is, if their presuppositions concerning the Scriptures are true.

[No Sermon]

PM Sermon

There was no Evening Worship Service on the Sunday of September 4th, 2016. Therefore, there is no PM Sermon for that date. Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

Blank Checks to Hypocrites (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 12:13-17

“A common enemy makes strange bed-fellows,” and when the Pharisees and Herodians conjure up a scheme to trap Jesus in an impossible dilemma, Jesus stuns the crowds by exposing their evil hypocrisy.”

Add. Ref.: Deuteronomy 17:14-15

When the Word is Your Delight (Part 2)

Pastor Mat Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 1

In the opening Psalm of the Psalter, the psalmist contrasts how significantly different the way of the righteous is from the way of the wicked. In fact, it is so significantly different that the righteous cannot even entertain the counsel of the unregenerate, but instead takes his counsel from the Word of God.

Add. Ref.: Psalm 42:2-11

Blank Checks to Hypocrites (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 12:13-17

“A common enemy makes strange bed-fellows,” and when the Pharisees and Herodians conjure up a scheme to trap Jesus in an impossible dilemma, Jesus stuns the crowds by exposing their evil hypocrisy.

Add. Ref.: Daniel 6:6-9; Matthew 23:13-36

[No Sermon]

PM Sermon

There was no Evening Worship Service on the Sunday of August 21st, 2016 due to the time being instead dedicated to our annual Church Picnic. Therefore, there is no PM Sermon for that date. Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

A Parable They Understood (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 12:1-12

While Jesus’ parables were deliberately spoken to obscure His message from those who had rejected the truth, this parable is understood by His enemies because they know the parable is about them, exposing their brazenly murderous hearts.

Add. Ref.: Isaiah 6:1-3