Worship the King

Pastor Matt Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Psalm 2

This Psalm manifests the greatness of God in a way nowhere else seen in the entire Bible. It presents the foolish rebellious hearts of men, but all the summation of their rebellion against God invokes from Him a peculiar response: He laughs, and then commands that all should repent and bow to the true King.

The Sincere Submission of the Savior

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 11:1-11

After 10 chapters of growing anticipation, in chapter 11, Jesus and His disciples finally arrive for the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. However, the true meaning of the event is shrouded in tradition. What this text really reveals, is the sincere submission of the Savior, and the false submission of the crowds.

Add. Ref.: Dan. 9:24-25; John 12:9-12; Zech. 9:9; Phil. 2:5-11; Rev. 19:1-13; Luke 19:41-44

[No Sermon]

PM Sermon

There was no Evening Worship Service on the Sunday of July 3rd, 2016 due to the time being instead dedicated to a Prayer Meeting. Therefore, there is no PM Sermon for that date. Thank you for showing interest in High Point Baptist Church’s pulpit ministry.

The Last Healing

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 10:46-52

Over the last several weeks, Jesus has been instructing His disciples as to the true nature of discipleship as the day of His crucifixion draws near. Even so, they still struggle with the concept of humility and servanthood, and are even stunned to hear of the impossibility for such a righteous, rich young ruler to enter the Kingdom of God. If he can’t, who can? Undoubtedly they were even more surprised to discover that Bartimaeus could.

Add. Ref.: Joshua 6:1-2; 6:26; John 20:15-16; Ephesians 4:17-19

A Compassionate Jesus

Dan Tarr – PM Sermon

Scripture: Luke 5:12-16

Many things can be said be said about our savior and Luke 5:12-16 tells of a Jesus that looks on a leper with compassion. Jesus who is holy and perfect has a love for those that are outcast and lonely and we are to have that same compassion.

Add. Ref.: Mark 1:42-43

How to Be Great (Part 2)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 10:35-45

Aspiration to be great in the Kingdom of God isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it might even be a righteous aspiration. However, the approach is unconventional, and requires a deep humility that drives out any aspiration for the purpose of self-advancement.

Add. Ref.: Mark 11:15-18

God Our Father

Tom Joyce – PM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

While no one argues that God transcends gender, is it right to dismiss the many references to God as Father simply because it makes us uncomfortable or doesn’t fit out agenda?  In this sermon, we look at several passages that give us a glimpse of the One to whom we pray “Our Father.”

How to Be Great (Part 1)

Pastor Matt Tarr – AM Sermon

Scripture: Mark 10:35-45

It must have come as a surprise to Jesus and the rest of the disciples when James and John approach Him about sitting in the highest positions of honor on His throne, just after He offered another disconcerting excursus on His suffering and death. Jesus doesn’t deny that such positions exist, but they come at a great price.

Add. Ref.: Acts 12:1-2

Renewing Your Mind

Paul Davies – PM Sermon

Scripture: Romans 12: 1-2

The Bible clearly instructs us to “Renew Our Mind”. It is a scriptural imperative. But where do we begin? How do we go about changing how and what we think about, especially as a new believer? God not only gives us the command to renew our minds but also provides the “way” and the “how” to do it. His Word provides the subject matter, the methodology, and the outcomes we can expect. We can no longer think in the ways non-believers think. We must learn the character and nature of God as expressed in His Son and the disciplines and practices of reading, studying and meditating in His Word in order to change our attitudes and actions.

Add. Ref.: Rom. 7:14-25; 12:9-12; 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Cor. 2:16; Phil. 2:2; 4:8; 1 Pet. 1:13

Sacrifices: Temporal and Eternal

Greg Lynch – AM Sermon

Scripture: Selected Scriptures

This sermon by Greg Lynch takes a cursory look at sacrifices in both the Old and New Testaments, but especially emphasizes those found in the Old, providing background on what a covenant actually is and dealing with the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants, and reviewing the three aspects of the Mosaic Law (the moral, the civil, and the ceremonial). The lesson considers a definition of the term “type,” and then methodically proceeds through an examination of the types of Christ found in the tabernacle and its furniture, the Levitical and Melchizedekian priesthood, and the temporal offerings in Israel’s sacrificial system, finally pointing toward the “eternal sacrifice” of Christ.

Sermon Resources: PowerPoint Slides