Rights vs. Responsibility

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of 1 Corinthians 8, 9, & 10

– As we grow in our faith, we come to understand that there are some practices that are amoral (that is, they are not actually sinful), and are therefore not a threat to our sanctification. However, for some who are not as strong in their faith, these practices may become a stumbling block to them because they don’t know better. In an exposition of 1 Corinthians 9-10, we examine whether these amoral issues should be readily practiced because it’s our right, or if we should be willing to give up those rights out of love for a weaker brother.

For the Common Good

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, & 14 (incl. supplemental passages)

– In this sermon, Professor Joe Schloegel provides an expositional explanation and background of the differences between grace gifts and spiritual gifts within the church. We are given a Biblical perspective on the implementation and use of both types of gifts, and come to an understanding of what the ultimate purpose of these God-granted gifts is.

The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, & 14

– There are many spiritual gifts apportioned by the Holy Spirit, but what is the actual purpose of these gifts? How do we know a gift is from God? How are gifts to be used? What is the most important thing to consider concerning spiritual gifts? Do spiritual gifts still exist today? In this sermon, we are presented with Scriptural answers to these questions as we acquire a better understanding of spiritual gifts and their relation to the life of the Christian and the Church.

Is There a Resurrection?

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 (incl. supplemental passages)

– Easter Sunday 2013

– “Is there a resurrection?” This was a question debated amongst the Jews in Christ’s time, and even amongst Christians in the early Church Age. To this day, the sentiment behind this question still exists. But what does God tell us in His Word?

Freedom and Amoral Issues

Pastor Joe Schloegel – An exposition of 1 Corinthians 8

– There are certain issues that are amoral to the Christian. They are not inherently sinful, yet they may be a stumbling block to someone who is “weaker” in the faith. Therefore, those of us who are “strong” in the faith must be mindful not to flaunt the freedom we have through our knowledge and thus cause a weaker brother to stumble because of our actions.